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You can manage attendees at showcase events in BriteBiz.

Edward Cooper avatar
Written by Edward Cooper
Updated over 3 weeks ago


You can manage attendees at showcases and non-fee events in BriteBiz to further streamline your booking process. It is very easy to set up your registration page and manage attendees. This page shows you how.

Please note that this showcase feature only relates to showcases/events where you are not charging an attendance fee. This feature is not available on all subscription levels, please check with support if it is not available on your account.

4 - Steps To Create A Showcase/Event

This is a powerful feature - yet quick to set up. There are four steps to the setup.

1. Activate & Choose a Feature Name

The default name for this feature is "Showcase" - you can give this module whatever name you want. If you want the name to be changed to another name like "Events", just let our support team know.

Once you have Showcases/Events activated on your account, you will see the Showcase tab in the bookings list view (to access the list of showcases you have set up).

There will also be a new section on every contacts page (to show you which showcases/events a contact has attended). If they have attended multiple, you will see this here.

2. Create Email Templates

When somebody registers for a showcase/event, you get an option (in step 3 below), to send them a confirmation email as soon as they register.

You set up your templates first in Settings - Templates - Emails - under the module showcase/event. Or Click Here

You can set up as many different registration confirmation templates as you want. You may want a different template for different types of events.

3. Create Registration Forms

Next, you need to set up a registration form. To do this, go to Settings - Inquiries and you will see the showcase tab. Or Click Here.

Next, click the "+" button to create your first registration form. Follow the prompts below.

  1. Name: Give the registration form a name.

  2. Return Address: The website page you want people to be taken to after they register. If you have no dedicated thank you page setup you could use your main website page.

  3. Assign To: Who you want to be the owner of the booking. You can set up a round-robin here by adding multiple users.

  4. Notify Owner: If you want the owner to get a notification email when somebody registers.

  5. Send Auto Response: You can send an auto email to each registrant that you setup at step two to anyone who registers. If you choose yes, section 6 below will open to specify the email.

  6. Auto Response Template: Choose the email you want to send. If no emails show up here, please check that you have set up emails under the correct module in email templates - Here

Now you are ready for the next step, to create a Showcase/Event.

4. Create Showcase/Event

Go to the Bookings tab and click Showcase. Click "+" to add a showcase.

Next, fill in the details of the showcase.

  1. Name: Give it a name (Note - displayed on registration page).

  2. Booking Date: Date, or the date range of the showcase (Note - displayed on registration page).

  3. Location: This can be set to onsite, or if you are using external locations, you can choose an offsite location. (Note - displayed on registration page).

  4. Description: If you want to add any description that can be seen by registrants on the registration page. (Note - displayed on registration page).

  5. Attendees: Specify if there is a limited or unlimited number of attendees. If limited, you will get an option to specify a maximum number and the maximum number of places any one person can book.

  6. Registration Form: Choose the registration form you want to use (that you set up in Step 3 above).

  7. Portal: If you have set up different client portals, choose what client portal you want to use as the header for your registration page.

  8. Owner: Decide who has overall ownership of the showcase.

Once you are happy with everything, click "Create".

Your showcase registration page is now ready to be used. You can preview the page by clicking on the Register button (see below), which acts the same as the client portal - you will see exactly what your client sees.

You can copy the page link using the "copy from link" button on the right to copy the link to the page. You can share/embed this on your emails and website as you need to gather registrants.

Managing Showcases/Events

Now that everything is set up, you are ready to go live and manage your showcase/event with registrations. This section looks at the features and options you have on a showcase/event page. It functions similarly to a regular booking page, and the differences are outlined below.

1. Registration

When you receive a new showcase registration, the following will happen.

  1. Contact Exists - If the contact already exists in BriteBiz, based on the email address match, the showcase registration will be added to the contact profile.

  2. Contact Does Not Exist - If the contact does not exist in BriteBiz, when the person submits the inquiry, the system will create a new contact, and add the showcase registration to the contact.

2. Worksheets & Attendee Management

On a showcase page, you can add internal worksheets to plan the details of the showcase. You can also add Notes, Attachments, and view the History for any individual showcase.

The new area is Attendees and this shows you everyone who has registered for a showcase. Attendees have three stages for tracking represented by different colored circular ticks.

Grey Tick - They have registered.

Orange Tick - If you like to confirm people leading up to the event, you "click" on the grey tick to change it to orange - which is the "Confirmed" stage.

Green Tick - After an event, you can click on all the people who attended so you can track this. Green is the "Attended" stage.

After an event, your attendee registration might look something like this.

You can also manually add somebody to the list using the "+ Create" button as per the arrow above.

3. Communication

There are also some powerful mass messaging communication tools. At the bottom of the attendee list, you can mass-send emails and SMS messages (if the SMS features are activated on your account)

There is also an option to mass-download the contacts if you need them for the event.

The showcase feature is a powerful feature that gives you even more control over how you streamline your wedding and event management.

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