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Connect to Mailchimp
Connect to Mailchimp

Here's how you connect your account to Mailchimp.

Edward Cooper avatar
Written by Edward Cooper
Updated over a week ago

To integrate the system with Mailchimp, you'll first need a Mailchimp account. To create one, simply click HERE.

Connecting Mailchimp

To connect BriteVenue to your Mailchimp account, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Mailchimp.

Once you click on the Mailchimp logo, you'll see the following screen:


Click on the 'Mailchimp API Key' link. You'll be prompted to enter your Mailchimp username and password.

After entering your login details, you'll be redirected to a page that shows you API code:

Simply copy the API key and paste the key into the provided text box field.

Click the 'Connect your mailchimp account' button:



Sync Contacts

After connecting you Mailchimp account, you'll need to select a list to sync with BriteVenue.

Once you've chosen or created a new list, you can sync your Mailchimp list with BriteVenue by simply clicking the Activate button

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