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Your Data Upload πŸ“Ί

A powerful tool to mass upload inquiries, bookings, companies and contacts.

John | BriteApp avatar
Written by John | BriteApp
Updated over a year ago

Getting started on systems can be slow, but we have given our users super-powerful tools to allow them to do mass imports quickly and easily. The main two use cases for this are;

  1. New BriteApp users: who need to upload information from Excel sheets or from another CRM management system. Not all new users, such as startup companies, will want to do a mass import.

  2. Day-to-day management of your business: you may want to mass import a database of companies and contacts or a list of new inquiries from a trade fair.

Go To Settings

You will find the upload feature in Settings - Data Types - Upload CLICK HERE

It's super simple to do, you just need to watch the video below to get a full understanding of everything you need to know.



1. What Type Of File Can I Upload?

You must upload in a .csv file. You can use one of the templates we provide in the system or you can use your own Excel sheet or database that is output from a previous CRM system. You just need to map the columns from the file to the fields in your BriteApp! I

2. What Formats Can I Upload

  1. Inquires & Contacts (one combined file)

  2. Bookings & Contacts (one combined file)

  3. Inquiries - by themselves (where you match against contacts already in the system)

  4. Bookings - by themselves (where you match against contacts already in the system)

  5. Companies - by themselves

  6. Contacts - by themselves (and you can associate them against a company already set up in the system.

3. Do we provide a data upload service?

Generally, users upload their own data. If you would like our support team to upload your data files, we do provide this service for an Additional Fee. The fee will depend on the number of files and the degree of cleanup that needs to be done in the files. Please contact support for a quotation.

4. How to break First Name/Last Name from one column to two separate columns in Excel.

I have an output file from another CRM system and First Name and Last Name are contained within the one cell. How do I break them into two different cells? CLICK HERE to read how to do this.

5. What are the required fields in an upload?

The following fields are required fields when doing imports for inquiries, bookings, companies and contacts.

Inquiries: Name, Type, Stage and Owner

Booking: Name, Type, Stage, Start/End Date, Owner

Contacts: First name, Last Name and Type

Companies: Company Name

You will be able to set a default for most of these fields.


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