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Sending Mass Emails
Sending Mass Emails

Learn How To Mass Email Inquiries or Bookings

John | BriteApp avatar
Written by John | BriteApp
Updated over a week ago

You can send a mass email to Inquiries/Bookings on the Inquiries/Bookings List Page or from the Contacts Report.

You can Mass email up to to 50 recipients at any one time - so you should set the view per page to 50.

The maximum number of emails that any one user can send in a day with Mass Email is limited by your email provider - GoogleMail or Office365. So you should check their support documentation for current limits.

If you are doing a large number of emails, we recommend using Mailchimp or some other mass emailing provider.

How To Mass Email Inquiries / Bookings Using The List View

On the Inquiries/Bookings page, first, filter the list to see the Inquiries/Bookings you'd like to email.

On the left of each row, simply tick the tickbox of any Inquiries/Booking you want to email. Alternatively you can select all the rows on the page.

Click on the green tick icon above this column and click on the email icon from the dropdown menu.

Mass Email Using The Contacts Report

First select Inquiry or Booking from the dropdown

Next, add some conditions to find the Inquiries or Bookings you'd like to email (click on the add condition link).

To send an email to the list of contacts, simply tick the box next to their name and click on the email button. If you want to select all contacts, tick the Select All box.

Note: You can also export the list of contacts to a spreadsheet file using the export icon in the top right.

For example, you want a list of all contacts where the Inquiry was received after 01/01/2021, and the Stage is either Contacted, Contact - Follow up.

How To Mass Email Using Mailchimp

If you have a large number of people to email, it may be better to use Mailchimp.

In your Mailchimp account, you will already have a list of Contacts (Audience). If you want to email only some of these contacts you can use Tags, Groups, or Segments in Mailchimp, see

If you want to email Contacts related to certain types of Inquiries / Bookings from BriteBiz, first download the list of contacts you want to email using the Contacts Report (see above) and Import this file into your existing Audience in Mailchimp. When you are importing these Contacts, assign a Tag or Group to these Contacts so that you can create a Segment for your campaign. The following article will explain how to update/import contacts in your Audience:

Make sure to read the Update existing contacts section before doing the import.

Tip: Keep all your Contacts in the one Audience in Mailchimp and use Segments to email the appropriate Contacts for each of your campaigns.

Learn how to connect BriteBiz and Mailchimp - CLICK HERE.

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