Before you get in touch with our support team it can help to try these common questions.
Landing Page Builders
Default Account Font
How do I stop my clients receiving emails? In the EU, this may be for GDPR purposes.
Our Google Calendar/Gmail integration has stopped! We can no longer see events in our Google Calendar.
Web Form Auto-Response Email Signed Off From Company - Not The User Name?
One Office365 email address for all users?
One Gmail email address for all users?
Should I send an auto response email from my web inquiry forms?
Is Microsoft Exchange Supported?
How Do I Add Images/Pictures to Emails and Templates?
Why do I see two email addresses after integrating my Office365 or Gmail account?
Do I need to integrate my email account to be able to use the system?
Sending Mass Emails
Inquiry and Booking Notification Emails
How do I set up my teams email?
Can I integrate multiple Brite users into the same Gmail or Office365 account?
Allow users to send emails from your integrated email account
View your emails on the BriteBiz dashboard
Creating HTML Email and SmartDoc templates
ADVANCED FEATURE - Automations - Auto Change Stage
Can I see how many bookings I confirmed for this year, at this time last year?
Refer A Friend Gift Card
How to break First Name/Last Name from one column to two separate columns in Excel.
What happens if I delete a Sales Stage?
Capterra Review
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Auto Expire in SmartDocs
Are eSignatures Legally Binding?
How do I activate SmartDocs on my account?
How Can I Add Multiple Images In One Line In A SmartDoc Proposal or Contract?
How Do I Change from PandaDoc to SmartDocs?
If two people are signing a SmartDoc contract, do they need different email addresses?
A client tried to sign a SmartDoc and got a "Forbidden Error" notice?
How do I edit a SmartDoc that has been sent?
Why can I not see the product/service detail in my quote/contract?
Who manages PCI compliance for my Stripe accounts?
How to manage discounts?
Can I delete a booking that has an invoice or payment attached to it?
Exporting Payments Received
What is the "Reference" on a Booking, Receipt, Invoice, Quote & Bill?
What is Your Client Portal Login URL?
Form W-9
Updating product and service names.
Fraud Prevention Plan
My Quickbooks or Xero Accounting Integration Has Disconnected?
How do I delete an invoice?
I accidentally deleted a payment in Xero/Quickbooks that was raised in Brite. What do I do?
Should I Choose Xero or Quickbooks?
How Do I Import Invoices & Payments From Xero?
Why can I not see a payment on an invoice in my account but I can see it in Xero?
How Do I Sync Invoices & Payments to Xero?
Xero users - Why do invoices sometimes have no trash can/delete icon?
Non Accounting Entry (NAE)
Who receives the system subscription notifications and invoice/receipt emails?
How Do I Download a Copy of My Subscription Invoice?
How To Activate My Account (Video)
What to do if I set up a new user and they did not receive a login email?
How Do I Reset My Password? (Video)
Browsers and Internet Speed
How Do I Clear My Cache?
How Do I Delete a User?
Using Support and Training?
What to do if I receive two inquiries from the same person about the same date/event?
What is the best way to export a list of contact email addresses?
How to Copy and Paste from Microsoft Word into Emails, Worksheets and SmartDocs
How to align text in tables.
How do I add a table to a SmartDoc/Worksheet or Email Template?
I have created a duplicate Company or Contact in error.
What does it mean if I see a "Transaction Failed" notification when processing a payment?
How to Mass Delete Records
Formatting/Centering text in an Email, Worksheet or SmartDoc?
Video Testimonial!
Data Security
How to copy text from Microsoft Word to BriteBiz?
Calendar Improvements
Google & Microsoft SSO
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