There are two main reasons for formatting issues in a document.
1. When You Do Not Remove Formatting From Text You Are Pasting In
When you are copying in text from another source such as Microsoft Word, you should press the formatting button, and then paste in your text. This will remove any formatting that does not work in BriteVenue.
Press this button first at the top of the text editor.
2. When You Copy In An Image That Has Formatting On It
Sometimes images can affect the HTML formatting in the BriteVenue text editor depending on the image, similar to what might happen when adding images to emails etc.
Best practice is not to use the insert image. Best way to add images is to drag and drop the image onto the template/document from your desktop. Even still, an image can cause formatting issues. So the best practice is to add the image after you have your Heading set and Paragraph text in place.
Best Way To Format In BriteVenue
Add all your text
Add formatting to your text (Center align, Bold etc)
Then drag and drop any required images from your desktop onto the document.
See this video below on the best order to use if you are having formatting problems.