First, it is best to watch the List Views Training Video to show you how to
Create date range filters
Save views
If you want to see how many bookings you had closed for this year - at this time last year, you can do this. This is a useful figure to have if you want to compare how many bookings you currently have for next year.
So you will want to create two date ranges in the bookings list view. Before you start, on the bottom left of the list views, switch to "infinite view".
Date Range 1
Booking Start Date Column - Set range - 1st Jan to 31 Dec 20** (whatever year you want to look at).
Date Range 2
And in the confirmed date (so the date you confirmed/booked) - you can either put in the actual date you are looking for (ie one year ago), or best to "today - 365 days". If you do today - 365, this report will stay accurate for any day in the future so you can check it again in two months time etc.
The total number of records will show on the bottom left of your screen.