The Orders feature in BriteVenue is a powerful tool that allows you to create PDF documents containing specific information about a single booking/event. You can easily print or email these PDF documents for internal use, or to send to third parties like catering vendors or clients. There are two steps;
STEP 1 - Design the Order Template
Go to Settings, Templates and Orders.
Click on + Add to create a new Order. Firstly give your Order a name, in this case we have called it "Event Order". You then decide what information you want to see in the Order, by switching the various sliders.
You can include details like Venue Logo, Venue Address, Booking Details, Contact (Client) Details, Service Details and Worksheets. Once you are happy with your selection, click Update. You can choose as much or as little as you want. You may only want Worksheets.
You can create as many different Orders as you want that show different types of information - depending on the types of document you want to print/email for internal purposes or to send externally to vendors or to clients.
STEP 2 - Generate and Send the Order
Once designed, you can start printing or sending your Orders. In an event/booking, you will see the Order icon at the top of the page (Note - The Order icon will only appear if you have at least one Order template designed).
When you click on the Order icon, you will see a list of all the different Orders you have designed. You have the option to generate a PDF or to email the order. If you choose email, the PDF Order will be attached to the email.
Orders are the best way to email or print details of an individual booking in the specific format you want.
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