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Setting Up Google Adwords Tracking
Setting Up Google Adwords Tracking

Steps to setup and track your GoogleAds in BriteBiz.

John | BriteApp avatar
Written by John | BriteApp
Updated over a month ago

Our GoogleAds Integration

Knowing your ROI from Google Spend is incredibly valuable. BriteBiz allows you to do this and it is very easy to setup.

Google Ads

The Google Ads integration is not available on all membership levels. Please check with support for further details.

How Does It Work?

You add a specific tagging code to your website (details below). When you have configured our GoogleAds feature on your website, new Inquiries from your BriteBiz web form will be tagged as coming from a Google Ad - or not from a Google Ad.

How To Activate On My Website?

Ask your website manager to add the following line of code to each page of your website before the page's body ends (i.e. before the </body> tag).

<script async src=""></script>

Most Website builders (Wix, Squarespace, etc.) and CMS (WordPress, Drupal etc.) will have a central site setting (or theme setting) where this line can be added. Please refer to your website/theme documentation for more instructions.

​Note: This script file will create a cookie on a customer's device if they have clicked on a Google Ad. To comply with local privacy laws, you may need to declare this in your cookie or privacy policy. It may also be necessary for you to only load this file when a user has consented to your privacy/cookie policy.


How do I know if an inquiry came from a Google Ad?

1. Inquiry - On the Inquiry, the Google Ad field will read Yes or No, and will tell you if the customer clicked on a Google Ad before inquiring.

2. Inquiry List View - On your Inquiries list view, you can turn on the Google Ad column to see which Inquiries came from a Google Ad click.

3. Inquiry Report - In the Inquires report (here), you can select Google Ads from the Group By dropdown to get a report of Inquiries received from Google Ads. Change the date field as required.

This is where you can see your real Google Adwords ROI on the bookings and revenue from your Google Ads.

Trouble Shooting

If this feature is not working, it is because the Google Ads gclid parameter (the code detailed above) is not added to the inquiry on your web form.

There are two main reasons this could happen.

  1. You have not enabled Auto-tagging in your Google Ads account, see this article to learn more >>>

  2. The page the user is landing on is being redirected, so the gclid parameter is removed. Please investigate this with your web developer.

A Tool For Marketing Success

Our Google Ads integration is a powerful feature to help you and your marketing team work out the exact ROI from Google Ads to best manage your marketing spend.

Want to learn more?

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