Using Locations

If you are a vendor or catering company providing services to off site locations, our "Locations" module is the perfect feature!

Edward Cooper avatar
Written by Edward Cooper
Updated over a week ago

Tracking where you are providing products or services can be a challenge. We have developed locations to make it easy.

What Is "Locations"? - How Do I Activate It?

Locations is a great feature for companies that provide products or services to other offsite locations. Locations is not a standard feature and you should ask your BriteVenue Consultant or Support about enabling on your account.

When Locations is turned on, you will have the following features.

Firstly, there is an additional module on the header called Locations. If you click on locations, you can add the details of the locations where you provide products/services to by clicking the + button. You can also add a new location directly in a booking.

Every location has its own contact details, website, phone and address. When you start populating the address fields, the map will find and pin the location. Drag and drop the pin for more specific location setting. Similar to the company module in BriteVenue, a profile image will be automatically added using the website address if the system can locate a suitable image.

Every location also has a system Location Type where you can add different types of locations for reporting purposes. To add your Location Types go to Settings, Data Types and you will see the additional tab for Locations - as per image below. Click the + button to add more locations types.

Every Location Has It's Own Set Of Records

The great thing about using locations is that every location has its own set of records. The image below is an example of a location on the location list.

So each location has a list of bookings at that location, activities, notes, attachments, links, messages, and contacts.

When Creating A Booking

When creating a new booking, you can choose if the booking is "Onsite" or "Offsite". (Onsite or offsite can be set as a default on your account). If you choose offsite, you then choose the location from you locations list, or you can add a new location.

Locations is a great feature that makes it easy to track the locations of all the places you provide products and services to.

Want to learn more?

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